Web Accessibility
Loop Fund is committed to serving the needs of all customers, including users with disabilities. To that end, we are continually updating and refining our website and content to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
These efforts are designed to to help people with disabilities perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with our website and online tools — including use of assistive technologies, browsers, operating systems, and devices. While we work hard to make our site is user-friendly and universally accessible, there are a few simple things you can do as a user to make sure you have the best possible online experience on our website.
Customize Your Computer and Browser Settings
Most computers and browsers now have advanced accessibility settings that make it easy to use, navigate, and engage with online tools. We have developed our website to work with as many of these advanced features as possible.
Here is a list of references and resources you can use to improve your online user experience: www.w3.org/WAI/users/browsing
Keep Your Technology Up to Date
Check to make sure your web browser, operating system, and any assistive technologies you are using are up to date.
Questions or Issues Using Our Website?
If you have a disability that makes using our website or online services difficult, please let us know so we can make accommodations for you and future users.
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (Central)
Loop Fund
Attn: Web Accessibility Department
P.O. Box 838
Keshena, WI 54135
PO Box 838 |
Keshena, WI 54135 |
info@loopfund.com |
833.684.0905 |
PO Box 838 |
Keshena, WI 54135 |
info@loopfund.com |
833.684.0905 |
Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.
The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.
This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.
This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.
Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.
* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.
View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915
Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905
© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.
Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.
The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.
This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.
This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.
Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.
* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.
View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915
Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905
© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.