Privacy Policy

Updated April 2022



Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Consumers have the right to limit some but not all sharing.  This notice tells you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.


The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us.  This information can include:

  • Social Security number and checking account information
  • Payment history and income
  • Employment information and wire transfer instructions


All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reason Fox Lending LLC chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.


For our everyday business purposes — such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? Yes. Can you limit this sharing? No.

For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? Yes. Can you limit this sharing? Yes.

For joint marketing with other financial companies
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? No. Can you limit this sharing? We do not share.

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes–information about your transactions and experiences
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? Yes. Can you limit this sharing? No.

For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes–information about your creditworthiness
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? Yes. Can you limit this sharing? Yes.

For our affiliates to market to you
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? No. Can you limit this sharing? We do not share.

For non-affiliates to market to you
Does Fox Lending LLC Share? No. Can you limit this sharing? We do not share.

For our everyday business purposes — such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus Yes No
For our marketing purposes to offer our products and services to you Yes Yes
For joint marketing with other financial companies No We do not share
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes–information about your transactions and experiences Yes No
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes–information about your creditworthiness Yes Yes
For our affiliates to market to you No We do not share
For non-affiliates to market to you No We do not share

To Limit our Sharing

  • Call 833-684-0905 our menu will prompt you through your choices or
  • Contact us via email at

Please note:
If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your information 30 days from the date we sent this notice.  When you are no longer our customer, we can share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.


Call 833-684-0905 or go to


Who is Providing this Notice?

Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund, a tribally chartered economic arm and business entity of the Menominee Indian Tribe, a federally recognized Indian tribe, is providing this privacy policy.


How Does Fox Lending LLC Protect my Personal Information?

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.

How Does Fox Lending LLC Collect my Personal Information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you:

  • Apply for a loan
  • Give us your income information
  • Tell us where to send the money
  • Provide account information
  • Provide employment information

We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates or other companies.

Why Can’t I Limit All Sharing?

You have the right to limit only:

  • sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness

What Happens When I Limit Sharing for an Account I hold Jointly with Someone Else?

Your choices will apply to everyone on your account.



Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies.

Our affiliates include other business entities of the Wolf River Development Company.


Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and non-financial companies. Non-affiliates we share with can include service providers and data processors.

Joint Marketing

A formal agreement between non-affiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.

Fox Lending LLC does not jointly market.


Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.

The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.

This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.

This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.

Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.

* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.

View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915

Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905

© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.

Native American Financial Services Association Logo


Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.

The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.

This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.

This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.

Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.

* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.

View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915

Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905

© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.