E-Sign Consent

By clicking the check box next to the E-Sign Consent Agreement, you are accepting all of the following terms and conditions relating to Loop Fund’s electronic notification/communications policy and Loop Fund’s electronic consent and contract binding policy. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly.

You consent that your electronic signature on agreements and documents has the same legal and moral effect as if you signed such agreements and documents in ink and will be deemed valid, authentic, enforceable and binding. You understand and acknowledge that the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act defines an “electronic signature” as an electronic sound, symbol or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to be bound by such contract or record. Based on this definition, you further consent that your electronic actions or your participation in certain electronic processes that are logically associated with a contract or any fully disclosed terms and conditions shall also have the same legal effect as if you signed such contract or agreed to such terms and conditions by providing your written signature in ink and you agree that such actions/participation will be deemed a valid and binding contract to the extent such actions/participation indicates your intent to be legally bound.

You hereby agree that Loop Fund may provide any communication or notification to you electronically and you hereby consent to receive by electronic means any and all agreements, documents, disclosures and/or notices required to be given by applicable law, regulation or internal Loop Fund policy. You also consent to allow Loop Fund to respond to any inquiries or communications by e-mail, fax or other electronic means regardless of the format of the original inquiry. You agree that electronic copies of communications are valid and you will not contest the validity or enforceability of such communications or any related transactions, absent proof of altered data or tampering. Pursuant to law and regulations, you agree and acknowledge that all electronic communications delivered to you by Loop Fund (i) shall be given the same legal effect as signed paper communications, (ii) shall be considered a “writing” or “in writing” and (iii) shall be deemed for all purposes to have been “signed” and to constitute an “original” when printed from electronic files or records established and maintained in the normal course of business. You agree that all electronic communications and actions recorded by Loop Fund shall be deemed valid and admissible originals.

To electronically receive, view, and save electronic communications and electronically signed agreements, you must have a personal computer equipped with the requirements set forth below, and either a printer, a hard drive, or other storage device. You must also have a valid email address. You must notify us if your email address changes and you hereby agree to notify us of any such change immediately. To notify us of your new email address, please contact us at info@loopfund.com or 833.684.0905. Please note that the minimum requirements set forth below are subject to change. Required hardware and software Operating Systems: Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows Vista®; Mac OS® X Browsers: Final release versions of Google Chrome (Windows and Mac); Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or above (Windows and Mac); Safari™ 3.0 or above (Mac only) PDF Reader: Acrobat® or similar software may be required to view and print PDF files Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 minimum Enabled Security Settings: Allow per session cookies.

If you elect to receive required notices and disclosures only in paper format, it may slow the speed at which we can complete certain steps in transactions with you and delivering services to you. Nonetheless, you may change your consent at any time. Your consent to electronic communications and E-signing may also be withdrawn at any time by providing us with written notice that has been notarized and sent to the address below. Notwithstanding your change of consent, any electronic communications provided or agreements entered into with your electronic signature prior to your consent being withdrawn shall remain effective and binding. Your correspondence must contain in the body of such request your e-mail address, full name, US Postal address, and telephone number.

Loop Fund
Attn: E-Sign Consent
P.O. Box 838
Keshena, WI 54135

If you consent to receiving notices and disclosures in electronic format on the terms and conditions described above, please let us know by clicking the check box next to “E-Sign Consent Agreement” when applying. By clicking the check box, you acknowledge and confirm that (1) you can access and read this E-SIGN CONSENT AGREEMENT; (2) you can print on paper the disclosure or save or send the disclosure to a place where you can print it, for future reference and access; and (3) until or unless you notify Loop Fund as described above, you consent to receive from and through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by Loop Fund during the course of your relationship with Loop Fund.


Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.

The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.

This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.

This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.

Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.

* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.

View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915

Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905

© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.

Native American Financial Services Association Logo


Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund is a commercial enterprise and instrumentality of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, a federally recognized sovereign Indian nation (the “Tribe”), which abides by the principles of federal consumer finance laws, as incorporated by the Tribe, and operates within the interior boundaries of the Tribes’ reservation in Keshena, WI. Fox Lending, LLC is chartered under and operates pursuant to Tribal Law. Loans from Loop Fund are governed by the laws of the Tribe, not the law of your resident state. Please note that nothing in this communication should be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity, which is expressly reserved.

The Tribe does not allow access or accept applications for this service from residents of all locations, and the service may or may not be available at your location. The location from which the Tribe chooses to allow access to its jurisdiction may change from time to time without notice. If you choose to visit the Tribe’s jurisdiction through the internet and access services offered and regulated under the Tribe’s laws, you must consent to the Tribe’s jurisdiction and agree that Tribal law governs such services. Availability of loans are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of Fox Lending LLC dba Loop Fund.

This “prescreened” offer of credit is based on information indicating that you meet certain criteria and is subject to credit verification. In addition, to accept this offer, you must have reached 18 years old. This offer may be accepted only by the person identified in this offer and may not be transferred to any other party.

This is an expensive form of borrowing. Loop Fund loans are designed to assist you in meeting your emergency borrowing needs and are not intended to be a long-term financial solution. Fox Lending, LLC encourages quick repayment to avoid finance fees. Alternative forms of credit may be less expensive and more suitable for your financial needs.

Consumers that submit an application using this website are providing written instruction under the Fair Credit Reporting Act authorizing us to obtain their consumer credit report, credit score and/or other information from any consumer reporting agency in order to make a final decision regarding extending a loan.

* Loan applications fully verified and approved by 11am Central Time (CT) will be funded as soon as the next business day. Loan applications fully verified and approved after 11am CT on Friday will be funded as soon as the following Monday, so long as the Monday is not a bank holiday. Fox Lending, LLC is not responsible for any additional charges applied by your financial institution.

View our website for applicable rates and frequently asked questions. Complete disclosure of APR, fees and payment terms are provided within the Loan Agreement.

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin Tribal Hotline: 800.234.1915

Loop Fund Customer Service Team: 833.684.0905

© 2025 Fox Lending, LLC dba Loop Fund. All Rights Reserved.